THE text



“Can we talk?”

I read the text again as I unlocked the door to my one bedroom apartment. I was coming from work and the ride home was not blissful. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around THE text. After 2 days of no communication! This is all he had to say?  I questioned a lot of things. Does this mean he is ready to apologize? Or he just wants to blame me. The better part of me wished the latter. It would make things easier. 

There has always been a connection between us, since the day we met. I believe it’s still there, buried under this entire fracas.

It was Shiro’s birthday, A Saturday evening.

“This is Maina, a colleague, Shiro said as she winked at me.”Hey, I am Zawadi, nice to meet you”, I introduced myself; couldn’t be more extroverted.

 I don’t think I have had as much fun as I did since that night. We talked almost the whole night. Discussing our passions, dreams, sharing opinions on what was trending, literally everything. We really connected. I remember the first time I saw him. His beard, so neat resting on his cute face. His fade haircut, shaggy but clean. His sense of style was top notch classy and his walking style! So graceful.  His English was amazing, the way he articulated every word. He was funny and knew what to say. Damn! He was a gentleman. He seemed very respectful, excusing himself saying thank you. In simple terms he had everything in my list.

After the birthday party he asked for my number and we continued the conversation on WhatsApp. This time it got more personal. Smiling at every text he sent.  I slept at 3am that night.  I woke up the next morning to a good morning text with a hug emoji. I am not one to get excited over small things but the emoji caught my attention. 

I sat on my couch thinking how we got from there to 2 months of breaking up and making up. It was tiring. I was fed up. Should I text back? There are so many uncertainties, I thought. I was so afraid that what had happened two days ago would happen again. 

I needed time to rest and think before I could reply. I had a long day at work and I needed something to eat. I headed to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. As I waited for the water to heat up, my phone rang. 

It was him.


  1. Wow, super nice.
    Cant wait for the next episode.

  2. I've read this thing twice yaani. I can't get enough. And the nect episode has better be coming soon else I'm gonna write it myself


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