Should I follow the crowd?
As a person, I am sure there are times you sit down and evaluate your life, or not. It reaches a point in our lives where we make a deliberate decision to make a difference in the way that we live. For example, there are days I decide I will code and get better at it because I like knowing things and doing them well. There are this other times, especially after attending an event or just meetup I fell so pressured. I even make a schedule on what I will learn and when. Sometimes you feel so motivated to learn what the speaker was talking about. Truth is most of the time we are determined to do things or even change our lives because of what we heard or saw someone do. Other peoples’ success or failures do influence us. According to Rob Henderson from Psychology Today , “Research shows we do not have as much control over our thoughts and behaviour as we think. We take cues from our environment, especially other people, on how to act.” Most of us deny this and tel...